18 January, 2017

Pre-op round two.

I’ve just come back from my last ever appointment before the surgery and it was just to go back through everything – the risks, what I’m having done etc… And to have my pre op’s done again, these are just when they take your height, weight,  MRSA swabs and all that jazz.
This time though, one of the orthodontics team claimed I had to have some blood tests just to check what blood type I am, just in case I lose more blood than usual during the operation. Now, I know blood tests are nothing to worry about but in all of my 22 years I’ve only ever had one! So the thought of having one without warning freaked me out, I’m such a wimp! But the nurse who took my blood was so nice and chatty, it was over in minutes!

I’m a bit concerned though because my weight this time around is 2kg less than the last pre op I had for the cancelled surgery. How can this be? I’ve made a proper effort to eat a lot more than usual to try and fatten myself up because you do tend to lose a bit of weight during the recovery. Bizarre.

If anyone has any questions, leave a comment below and I’ll try my best to answer them, as you know three years in, I’ve researched a lot!

 I probably won’t post anymore till after the surgery, unless I do one the day before! But if not, I’ll see you on the flip side!

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